The Advisors Guide to 401(k) Plans

Course Description

This course provides updates on recent 401(k) plan guidance, tax law changes, Department of Labor requirements, and court settlements. It extends beyond the basics to cover special 401(k) testing rules, design options, ERISA, and fiduciary responsibilities of the "parties of interest."

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the various elements in setting up and operating 401(k) plans including the advantages and disadvantage for both the employer and the employee
  • Explain the contribution limits, the minimum participation requirements and vesting requirements
  • Understand the nondiscrimination rules and testing procedures for 401(k) plan compliance
  • Recognize the various Safe-Harbor plans, their designs and benefits
  • Summarize the differences between a traditional 401(k) and a Designated Roth Account (DRAC)
  • Understand distribution rules and how to calculate required minimum distributions
  • Outline the various ERISA and Fiduciary responsibilities
Price:  $29.95
IWI Credit
Credit Hours: 5
Credit Type: Wealth Management
Provider: Broker Educational Sales & Training, Inc.
Provider #: 114861
Study Level: Advanced
Exam Details
Monitored: None
Questions: 100
Passing Score: 70%
Retakes: Unlimited